Friday, November 18, 2011


So I have to admit, I have been completely negligent on posting new stuff. I have had such great intentions of adding recipes, and pintrest projects the girls and I have done.  Yet it has been a whirl and just trying to figure out which side I am going to take a breath on.  In the meantime I have a child growing up faster than I can even blink.  Two months ago Reece was hysterically crying grabbing onto to my leg not to leave at kindergarten drop off.  Starting Tuesday, Reece and his best buddy were dropped off in the school circle.  I am not sure if Kelly, Aiden's mom, or myself was more surprised.  The boys walked in like they owned the school.  It is little moments like this which make me realize I need to step back sometimes and enjoy.  For the first five years of Reece's life I was focused on his milestones.  Now they pass me by so quickly because all I can focus on is getting through my classes, my tests, and papers.  I said to Gregg, I feel like I wanted something so bad and now that I am working to achieve it I question if it really what I want at all!?!  Of course I realize this is temporary.

Tonight I was able to put all the college stuff aside and go to Reece's first soccer game.  He could not have been more excited.  He is playing in a six week introduction league with other K thru 1st graders.  The indoor arena is filled with parents and kids just trying to find their way in the game of soccer.  Not much to my surprise Reece went after it.  He is definitely not the biggest kid on the time or the fastest yet he hustled after every ball.  When he was allowed a water break, and came over to us red faced, huffing and puffing struggling to get a sentence in therefore he just nodded his head and gave us two thumbs up, then raced back on the field.  In this moment I am able to forget about my papers and finals.  This is what it is all about!!  I am incredible thankful for being Reece's mom and having such a supportive husband!

 ( As you can here from the video, it is tough not to say much from the sidelines.  The coaches have asked several times to not coach from the sideline.  Despite my voice in the videos believe it or not Gregg struggled with this.  He said he can put himself back to being on the field and looking over seeing his Mom  !  It's tough to just be a spectator , honestly not sure if we can work on this.  We are Reece's biggest fans!!!)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Much Needed Day...

No school today...this has become a new territory for us!  I did have class but only need to go to campus to take a test, which was going to be an hour at most.  So Gregg decided to also take the day off so we could all hang out.  It seems like it has been forever since we all had a weekday to spend together.  (Yet its has just been two months, time continues to fly by).  It turned out to be a beautiful fall day so Reece and Gregg did some sightseeing while I took my exam.  (My Tuesday and Thursday classes are at a satellite campus in Mt. Clemens which feels like the other side of the world but is as far East as one can go before hitting Canada).  They visited Selfridge Airforce Base, even seeing a few cargo planes land as well as an A10.    Reece loved this!  After my exam, we decided to venture over to Metro Beach.  Wow so much fun... we played tag in the park, Reece figured out, but still lost his first game of shuffle board, much to his dismay
and even saw a freighter on the BIG LAKE.  
So the school days have definitely taken over but today was a great break and showed us we know how to have A LOT of fun together!! 
Most importantly we finished up the day today by voting, as that was why we had the day off to begin with!