Thursday, April 4, 2013

Graham is 36 weeks!

So I have been neglecting Graham's weekly updates for no good reason other than being busy and life passing us by too quickly....

It is so hard to believe that Graham is already 36 weeks old.  I am definitely trying to soak in this time and enjoy each stage.  Gregg and I find ourselves saying how much fun Graham is right now.  He is so responsive especially when I get home after a long day away or going in to get him in the morning or after a nap.  He is reaching out to be picked up with a huge smile, kicking his legs and then leans right in to give me a head butt ( or hug!!)

First time in a swing, and HE LOVED IT!!

Sleep:  We have had some set backs lately (thinking maybe a growth spurt) but these past several days he is back on track with a late night feeding (10ish) and then he sleeps until 6 am when we make a quick trip in to give him his binki and he falls right back asleep until 7 am ish.  Gosh, I love the extra hour!!  We have also started playing the IPad with classical music instead of the "hideous music" on his sound machine.  Gregg says maybe he was as sick of hearing it as we were.  So we are sticking with it because it seems to be working for now!

Food: Graham is eating like a champ.  He still loves his pureed fruits and veggies but is also experimenting with some finger food, everything from fish to pancakes. He devours three meals a day.   I still nurse him in the morning but have been also having to give him a bottle of formula afterwards:(  Otherwise Graham has 4 - 5 formula bottles the rest of the day.  

Milestones:  Graham is FINALLY rolling over both ways!!  He also celebrated his first Easter which was a lot of fun.

" I need to taste this Easter bag first Mommy"

Likes:  The weather has finally been warming up enough to get back outside and Graham loves it!  He is so content when in the fresh air.  Graham loves to put everything in his mouth from his toes, to my hair.  If he wants our attention he turns our face right to his and tries to get anything into his mouth!  Graham still loves bath time but is also really starting to enjoy playing with his toys, including getting and keeping his big brother attention.   Graham also loves to be a part of the mix of things.  He has become a pretty serious little man, saving his smiles for special occasions, but is so content watching everything and everyone, especially Pressley - our dog.  

Graham and his best buddy Malone!

My favorite time of the day is after he takes his late bottle and is sound asleep in my arms.  I snuggle him, brushing his sweet cheeks and hair, trying to treasure the moment and relish in how blessed I feel to be this little man's Momma!


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