Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Graham is 16 Months!

As we close out 15 months, one word come to mind - CHAOS!

Graham has grown and changed so much since last month so we will begin with 
his milestones:
He is a walker, and almost a runner.
Once he gained his confidence after about a month of taking a few steps here and there, let me tell you this little man has taken off and hasn't looked back (except he learned tonight how to walk backward)

Graham cut two more teeth, on the bottom.  Now he has a total of 8.

He is climbing and may even be part monkey!  Graham wants to climb up on everything from the couch, to the dishwasher, and even including the easel.  So much for stairs...

Graham has learned how to scream.  AND yes he realizes that not only does this get Mom and Dad's attention but everyone in the near proximity so screaming trumps words every time ! (This needs to stop) 

What Mommy???

I am happy to say Graham has been sleeping great.  He sleeps about twelve hours at night and takes two naps during the day anywhere from 1 to 2 and half hours each.  This allows us some sanity during the day because no joke, Graham is a Texas Tornado when he is awake.  Needless to say we treasure some calm and quite at nap time!

The ladies at daycare say they have never seen a baby eat as much as Graham.  While he isn't quite that good at home, we cannot complain, he is a pretty good eater.  Some of his favorite foods are blueberries, bananas, strawberries, cheesy eggs, any kind of pasta, and the top of the list is "ookie" or cookie which could be a graham cracker, fruit bar, or on dad's mornings home with the boys yes those breakfast chocolate chip cookies;)  

Graham absolutely loves reading books.  His favorite seem to be any Eric Carle book.  He will bring us the "uck, uck" (the one with a duck in it) book or the "grrr"(what a baby bear says) book non stop.  He then climbs right up next to us and sits (yes he actually stops and sits for a book!) SWEETNESS! A close second are the Baby Einstein stackable blocks "ocks".  He loves to watch me stack them up, count them, then knock them down, over, and over again!  He loves to pull or throw anything just because he can.  This could be the toilet paper roll, the folded laundry, Reece's homework, usually something we mistakenly left in reach.
Graham loves to play hide and seek.  His favorite spot is under the kitchen table.  He loves Mondays with his Nana and going to Gymboree.  He has learned several of the songs and dances, which is so cute to see him mimic or dance to.

FIrst bounce house adventure

Graham wants nothing to do with being restrained, in his car seat, in a grocery store, at a restaurant, or even just getting his diaper changed or dressed.  We are quickly getting refreshed on wrestling a baby to simply put socks on which are pulled off in a matter of seconds.  Also Graham hates to not be able to do or have exactly what his big brother has.  Good thing Reece loves him so much!  Graham seems to become overwhelmed in settings which are new or a lot of chaos (which is kinda ironic considering the chaos he travels with).  

This smile lights up our day!

It has been a wild 16 months Graham.  Daddy and I look at each other everyday and cannot believe how lucky we are that God gave us you.  You have brought so much laughter, joy, and holy personality, all which complete our little family! 
We are so blessed that your ours!!

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