Monday, April 16, 2012

25 weeks

How far along:  25 weeks, or should I say 15 to go!!

About the babyBaby Matthews is the length of a recorder.  He or she is growing leaps and bounds, and beginning to add on some fat.  The baby's arms and legs are just about the length they will be at birth.  Baby M is also able to feel the sensation of touch!

Maternity Clothes?Yes mostly all maternity clothes except for my workout pants 

SleepSleeping is decent although I do have to sleep on my let side because of my fractured rib ( I'll fill you in below)

Best Moment of the week:  Watching Reece complete his first real race on Saurday.  I'm not sure who was more proud, him or me!

Miss anything?: I seem to be missing everything dealing with normalcy lately from being able to enjoy a cocktail after a long day or just to not have to visit doctors every other day

MovementWow Baby Matthews has gained some strength.  I can now visible see my belly moving when he or she is kicking me.  I love the feeling!

Food cravings:  Probably anything sweet

Anything make you sick:  Not really

Labor Signs:  Thank goodness no!!

Happy or Moody:  Even though this isn't an option I would have to say I am feeling overwhelmed and anxious.  I am days away from finishing my semester and feeling the pressure mount of time running out with so much to do and prepare for.  I know it will all work out somehow!

Looking forward to:  I cannot wait to go down to Florida next week with Reece, which is probably an understatement:)

Update on my health: I feel selfish to say that I am so tired of talking about my health issues yet at the same time am incredibly grateful for everyones concern and continual support.  I think it has just been such a constant now in our lives that it seems if I don't talk about it maybe I don't have to deal with it.     
So I have been continuously dealing with health concerns since I was discharged from the hospital almost a month ago.  My heart rate has been quite high as as my blood pressure at times, along with off and on breathing issues.  The amazing part of all of it is I feel pretty good, but understand the concern.  So last week I went to see a Pulmonologist.  Honestly I walked in there thinking he would tell me I was doing great and to continue with the steroids he prescribed me a little over a week prior.  Well that didn't happen - in fact he sent me right over to the hospital for a CT Scan.  While a CT is not a huge deal normally it is of much greater risk when someone is pregnant.  My doctors had been discussing it for several weeks so Gregg and I were aware of the possibility, but clearly the did not want to expose me or the baby to the radiation unless absolutely necessary.  The reasoning for this was because they were concerned of me having a pulmonary embolism.  Honestly 7 weeks later I was ready to get it done just to maybe get some answers.  To make a long story short the test came back clear, AMEN!  However it did show that I had a fractured rib which occurred a week or so prior as well as residual pneumonia in my right lung.  Yet it does not explain my heart.  So I am seeing a Cardiologist on Wednesday.  Thursday I am seeing another doctor to help make some adjustments in hopes of helping my pain from my broken rib slightly more manageable.  My OB told me I have a long three in half months or so in front of me but as long as we have a healthy baby at the end of all this than nothing else matters.  My OB has advised me against traveling to FL next week( though she did say she isn't telling me I can't go) but honestly I think the vacation is exactly what I need and I am so excited to get away for 5 days.

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