Monday, December 3, 2012

19 weeks old

Well it has been a busy and eventful week in half around here...

As you can see by the rolls Graham is accumulating, he is a growing boy.  I am not exactly sure on his weight as he doesn't go back to the doctor until Dec. 7.  However as we do with each appointment, we have a family contest as who is closest to G's weight.  I am guessing 14 pounds 7 ounces.  Reece said 15 pounds and Gregg hasn't voted yet!

Well I was going to say that Graham is doing awesome with his naps and is only waking up once a night usually between 4 and 5 am, knowing that as I wrote it I would jinx ourselves.  Sure enough he is laying in his bed right now exhausted but fighting going to sleep, so sure enough I am not sure.   I seems to be exhibiting some signs of teething but I am so hesitant to think that.  Starting around this age Reece was doing many of the same traits, hands in his mouth, sometimes stuffy, drooling, and crabby crabby at bed time.  The pediatrician assured us it was teething and YEP Reece didn't cut his first tooth until he was a year old!  So while I know all kids are different and maybe Graham will teeth earlier, I am not buying it until I see a tooth!  So for now I think he may just be going through a little something in regards to going to sleep, lucky it as not yet interfered with his nighttime sleep! (fingers crossed)

We are sporting our Christmas clothes now that it is December!

We are still all breast milk.  When he takes a bottle it is usually 5 ounces I have pumped.  I try to pump at least once a day but I am not getting enough for one bottle at each pump so we have had to go to our reserves a few times.  I am hoping over Christmas to be able to get back in a better pumping schedule and build my supply back up.  I was also trying to slowly introduce some dairy back into my diet, which I had only had a little cheese sprinkled on top of a meal.  After about a week I noticed Graham was really starting to struggle so I am back to 100% dairy free.  I realized that the more I tried to dabble in a little bit here and there the more I craved dairy.  When I cut it out completely I am fine!

Graham has changed so much in the past week or so.  He is so much more alert and social.  He wants to be looking out and checking out the world.  He loves to play and hold onto toys.  He will notice us across the room and laugh or smile.  He loves to kick his legs when he is happy or excited.  And while he still can be very serious, he is such a happy baby.  He wants to put everything in his mouth, including seeing how far he can get his fists in there!  

Graham met Santa for the first time!  Sure enough he sleep through most of it.  He did decide to wake up for just a few minutes in order for us get a few pictures of just him and Santa.  (I will be doing a holiday happenings post later this week now that we are in Christmas countdown mode)  Early Friday morning my best friend, Brittany, had her baby we have been patiently waiting for.  Malone Charlotte was born at 1:21 am weighing 8 pounds 13 ounces.  Of course Graham could not wait to meet her!  It will be so amazing to have the kids be so close in age growing up.  I'm sure these two will be having a lot of fun together for a long time!!

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