Thursday, January 10, 2013

Graham is 25 weeks

It has been way to long since I have updated Graham's weekly updates, and boy he sure has been a busy guy....

I am not exactly sure on Graham's weight but I am guessing he is around 15 pounds.  He is still rather skinny but very long.  In fact some of his 3 to 6 month pants are almost too short on him:(

We have a serious eater on our hands.  The boy loves food, especially his fruits.  We just moved him up to three meals a day.  He cries for food, and cries (or whines I should say) when it is gone.  He usually eats a fruit with oatmeal in the morning, a vegetable with cereal around lunch, and a fruit and vegetable with cereal for dinner.  He is not really able to handle any texture so I simply boil and puree each food, then add breast milk to make it nice and thin.  So far Graham loves apples, pears, bananas, mango, peaches, peas, potatoes, avocado, and sweet potatoes.  The only food he does not like has been carrots, and honestly I think it is because I haven't quite figured out how to make them so they puree enough.  Also we try to make sure that he gets a bottle or nurses first then about 45 minutes later he has food.  Although I think he would prefer it the other way around:) 
Graham knows the minute we put him in the high chair that he is going to eat.  We have to be prepared and sometimes can't even get a bib on him because he is already kicking and crying for food!  Look out rolls should be coming soon:))

Graham was sick for the first time over the holidays, for almost a week.  While he never had a fever he was so congested. It is such a helpless feeling because he didn't want to eat much and just plain didn't feel good.  (This may also explain why he is now on an eating rampage) Each night before bed we gave him tylenol and ran the heck out of the humidifier.  He seems to be back to 100% now, thank goodness.

Well sleep has been a major challenge.  Before Christmas he was sleeping great but then he got sick, wasn't eating much and ugh his sleep was a mess.  Some nights we were up 10 times with him,  I felt like we were back to newborn status.  I am happy to say that while some nights are still not great, his sleep has really improved.  Graham goes to bed between 6 and 7 pm.  He wakes up for a late night feeding between 9 and 10, and then wakes one time around 3 am.  I'll take this for now considering were we were a few weeks ago.  
Daytime naps have remained pretty good.  He naps anywhere from an hour to two in half hours, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.  Sometimes our schedule doesn't allow for G to be home and nap in his crib, then he will cat nap a few times throughout the day in the car:(  This is one of our goals to be more conscience of Graham's schedule.  The days he is able to nap in his bed, he sleeps so much better at night.  This is definitely a struggle for us because of having two as well as not allowing us much freedom to even just go over to a friends house for dinner, so we are trying to find the balance.  As we learned last weekend, dinner with friends was certainly not worth a crying baby until 3 am!  Guess we will need to start inviting friends over to our house for dinner and drinks.

Overall Graham is a really laid back and happy boy. Reece is convinced Graham is going to be a soccer player because he loves to kick his legs, when he is happy, when he is frustrated, or even just to make himself laugh!   He loves the bath, especially some of his new bath toys he got for Christmas.  Graham loves to be sung to.  The Itsy Bitsy Spider and Old MacDonald always get us giggles and huge smiles. His newest favorite toy is the the Graco door jumper we borrowed from a friend.  It is so fun to see him jump and laugh when he is in there.  Graham also wants to put everything in his mouth.  While he is struggling with always finding his mouth, he certainly spends a lot of time trying!!

So much has happened since I last posted on Graham.  He officially rolled over from his belly to his back a few weeks ago.  Graham is now also sitting up.  He still leans forward supporting himself with his hands.  Sitting up has completely opened up G's world and he is now able to really enjoy so many of the new toys Santa brought!  Graham also took his first road trip to the same place Reece first took his- Lexington, KY.  While Graham was just really getting over being sick, he made the trip like a champ!!

It is hard to believe in a week in a half our little man is going to be 6 months old.  He has brought so much joy and happiness to our lives.  Graham's smile and laughter make our days so much brighter!!


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