Monday, April 21, 2014

Graham is 21 months old!!

You are feisty, you are funny, you are shy, you are independent, you are such a love bug, you are strong willed, and we cannot believe that you are going to be two years old in three months!  
You are growing into such a big boy.  Daddy and I look at each other every day and cannot believe what you are attempting or how fast you are growing.

Here are a few of the highlights:
Eating:  Ms. KK, at daycare, calls you a baby hippo because you eat anything and everything. We aren't that lucky always at home but a few of your favorites include any fruit, peanut butter and jelly, peas, "ookies" (cookies) or anything which is on your brother plate! 

Talking:  We have decided to take away your binki ( you call "baby") except for nap or bed time.  Since we have done that, your language is exploding.  You talk non stop and we cannot wait to be able to understand all that you are telling us.  Some of the words you use regularly are Mama, Dada, Reecie, Esly (Presley), uck (duck), ruck (truck), Rara (Our neighbor Roger), Nana, Papa, baby, woof woof (dog), uh oh, done, nite nite, "oofy" (Goofy) and can sign more and eat.  

Likes: You absolutely LOVE trucks, any kind-from Dada's truck, to the garbage truck, dump trucks, or campers, you don't discriminate.  Graham you love watching the ducks, birds, and swans and reading books which make noise or are  a touch and feel book.  You love and want to do anything and everything your brother does whether it is playing catch in the street or sitting in a big boy chair at the table.  In your head there are no limitations to being 21 months old, except getting us on that same page;)

Dislike:  You hate being told no, taking something away, or when we don't understand what you are trying to tell us.  You are incredibly feisty and want what you want when you want it.  If Mama and Dada give you the wrong cup, you will throw it on the floor so I witnessed yesterday at Easter brunch as you poured a cup of water on me then threw the food across the table:( As frustrating as it can be for us, we also know that you are very frustrated in your ability to communicate, so we are working very hard on using your words. You are even pulling your hair when completely frustrated (holy heartache)!  Mommy has also had to put you in your first time out because throwing is just not okay!!  But as feisty and strong willed as you are, it is those same qualities which we love when you are determined to climb up the play structure ladder by yourself or are feeding yourself with a spoon or fork.

Sleep: You are transitioning still between one and two naps a day (maybe we just haven't figured it out yet!)  Since you have been in daycare full time, one nap seems to more often be the norm.  You go to bed around 7 pm and sleep until 6:30 or 7 am the next morning.  

Being a little Brother- Our Highlight:
  It seems like this past month  your and Reece's relationship has really flourish, you adore him and he you.  He is the first person he asks for in the morning and you for you him.    You stand next him in the shower and make music with him to just be a part of the every moment with him.  You climb up on his top bunk and holler, Reecie!  Even when we can't understand what you are telling us, Reece knows exactly what you are trying to say.  You love Roger because your brother does!  You steal everything he lays his hands on and he gives it to you without shrugging.  You are just like Reece with your passion and will but also the complete opposite in your patience and independence. While we certainly hoped you would love each other, Daddy and I had no idea how amazing it would be to watch you two grow together. When you start to get upset Reece immediately tries to make you happy.  You smile bigger when he is around and Reece's smile is much prouder because he gets to show you the way.

Graham we love watching you grow. We love your curiosity and your independence of wanting to discover everything on your own.  It is so hard to believe that you are charging toward 2 years old and I have to admit I am a little nervous:)

We love you,
Mama and Dada

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