Saturday, June 21, 2014

Graham is 23 months old!

How can it be that in less than a month  this little man will be 2 years old!  Graham has grown and changed a lot since our last update.  His personality, well yes he has quite the personality.

Graham here are some of the highlights of the past few months...

Graham you love all things trucks and tractors.  You have even started emulating the sound of each with the back up beeps and chhhh for dumping!  You are a big fan of Minnie Mouse.  Whether we are in the grocery store or you spy her on television, you never miss a Minnie sighting.  You LOVE to be outside.  It is always a battle to get inside even in the rain.  

Your personality:
You are very independent.  You want to try to do everything yourself, whether it be putting your shoes on, putting a straw into "box" (juice box), or climbing up the play structure by yourself.  You are almost 2 going on 8.  You don't understand nor think you can't do anything your brother does and you certainly are not intimated to try.  You are incredibly silly.  You love to try to find ways to make us laugh whether you put together a chain of words which sound silly together or just being goofy.  
You are opinionated! Wow you know what you want and will be sure that anyone else around also knows.  Often times this has to do with not sharing with your brother or being the center of attention.  Thank goodness Reece is so incredibly patient with you.

 Your diet:
For the most part you are a really good eater.  Graham you will pretty much eat anything from veggies, meat and fruit to donuts.  If your brother is eating it, you will DEFINITELY want whatever he is eating.  Some of your favorite food lately include yogurt, blueberries, peas, pickles, ham sandwiches or anything which you can "dip".  Just like your bother, you have a cup of chocolate milk every morning.  

We are still on the fence between one nap and two.  For the most part you take a morning nap around 10 am and sleep until around 12:30 ish each day.  Some days you will take a late afternoon nap but if not you go to be by 7 pm and sleep until sometime between 6 and 7 in the morning.  You are easy to put to sleep as long as you have your baby and binki.  Then we read you a book.  If Daddy is home, you insist on him putting you to bed:)!  You are quite the Daddy's boy needless to say.

You language has exploded in the past month or so.  We think that has helped with fewer meltdowns because for the most part you can really communicate what you want.  You are putting together two words now and sometimes even three.  It seems like everyday you have a new word.  For instance yesterday you said "unbuckle ease" when we were dropping Reece off at camp.  You don't discriminate between trucks and tractors, they are all trucks with the exception of some being Big trucks or like Dada truck!  Everything in the lake that looks like a duck is a geese, even Donald Duck has become Donald Geese.  The list goes on and on.  Its really fun to listen and watch you learn something new everyday.  You are such a little sponge.  

The fine print:
Its a good thing you are so darn cute because being completely honest you have a few not so nice things we are trying to work out.  You hit:((  and you hit hard.  When you don't get your way, look out for the full arm swing.  We immediately remove you from the situation whether a time out of leaving the location we are in followed with major tears.  So it is clear you understand that hitting is not ok!  Also you do not like to share, especially with Reece.  You do not want Mommy or Dada sitting next to Reece and you want everything he has.  It is a good thing he absolutely adores you and is incredibly patient with your antics.  

It's so hard to believe that it has been almost two years since we first met you.  We love your curiosity, your passion, your blue eyes, your sillies, and every ounce of who you are!  

We love you,
Mommy, Dada, Eecie, and Esley

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