Sunday, January 22, 2012

Highlights of our week...

* I had a routine doctors appointment and was able to see and hear Baby Matthews heartbeat again.  Not much better than the sounds of life! LOVE

*Telling everyone our secret - I feel like a new person to be able to share our excitement.  Although I will miss conspicuously drinking water out of a beer can ( something about it was fun, though not quite the same as the real thing!)

*Experiencing Reece learning to read.  All I can say is this is a truly remarkable thing. I'm not sure if it is the process or to see him succeed at learning a word, or conquering a new book! He exudes a smirk of surprise but mostly pride!

*Watching Reece become a skier with a smile on his face!! ( It has been a chore the last couple of weeks. Gregg reminded me he is the child who cried at Disney the first couple days.  I guess he needs to slowly adjust, so although sometimes frustrating it is why we love him so much)

*Embarking on my first field placement.  I definitely felt like a adult when the 6th graders were calling me Mrs. Matthews.  I cannot believe I am going to say this but I really loved teaching 6'th grade, maybe my future! ( I always thought I would want to teach kindergarten or 1'st grade)

* Spending the afternoon as a family conquering our hockey rink. Life passes us by each day so quickly with routine commitments.  It was so nice to slow down and enjoy spending time laughing, playing, and conquering what just started as an idea!!

* In yoga today our instructor spoke to us about accepting ourselves where we are at today.  I need this. My clothes are becoming uncomfortable limiting my options, my skin is a mess, I could go on and on yet bottom line I feel fat and less than myself.  Of course I am having constant internal battles with myself, we have wanted this for a long time.  We have friends who can't get pregnant to lost a pregnancy all the while I am complaining about gaining weight.  Clearly it is ridiculous but I simply need to readjust and focus on what I learned at yoga today. I definitely tend to focus on the past or wish for things differently in the future when I know that none of it is possible without accepting today and the blessings we have been given!  This coming week I am going to work on accepting myself TODAY!  

A photo dump from the week....

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