Wednesday, January 25, 2012


So I really am not even sure if I want to be writing this post but my hope is that it will help me in moving on and not focusing on "what could have been"!
Earlier tonight I was going about my everyday life.  The plan was to take Reece skiing after school but he decided he didn't want to go, he wanted to come home and play hockey on the rink.  Therefore I decided to head to the grocery store before heading home.  The last thing I said to Gregg was to be sure the ice was safe.  I did tell him I saw several ice fishermen out today but just be sure.
Make a long story short as I am sitting in the driveway Gregg texts me as to my where a bouts, which was odd.  So I quickly came inside to be told there was a "slight issue".  Reece fell through the ice.  Yes OMG  one of my biggest fears- Reece fell all the way through the ice!  As he began retelling the story my anxiety sky rocketed.  Thank GOD Gregg was right there and without panicking managed a plan to pull him out, get inside, and unclothed very quickly.
It is amazing how quickly life flashing in front of your eyes.  So tears are running down my face, my eyes swollen and I am trying to find a way to not focus on how different things could have turned out yet focus on how grateful that Gregg was right there and able to remain calm enough that it has hardly even rattled Reece!
I hate to even admit that moments like this will make give him an extra kiss, a tighter squeeze, and extra I love you, but gosh we need to treasure EVERY MOMENT and thank God more often for our lives!!!

So now to put it behind us and hope I can manage to not let the could have been consume me!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! I'm glad that Gregg acted so calmly and quickly and that Reece is doing well.
