Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Week in Review

What a week it has been.  Last Wednesday Gregg and I left for Vail, CO.  The Rocky Mountains are one of our favorite places, and they certainly did not disappoint.  While I prefer to ski on blue bird days, there was fresh powder every day to be had.  Needless to say two years off the mountain and a new baby left me with a very sore body.  But Vail made up for it, because that place truly is like no place else on earth, even down to the roasted marshmallow smelling fireplaces. 

Ahhh Rocky Mountain air!!

Our first of many gondola rides


Vail Village

Our friends, Dan and Ang, we travelled with

The boys stayed with Nana and Papa in Michigan.  They certainly had their fair share of fun as well.  Reece even conned Papa into taking him to his first Michigan basketball game against Illinois.  Papa did admit afterward that he maybe had as great of a time as Reece. 

Despite all the fun and many phone calls back and forth, we heard that Graham was congested and not feeling great.  Sunday morning we woke up to a message to call home right away.  Graham was sick, with what seemed like a very high fever.  So my mom was taking him into urgent care.  They told her that it seemed he had the flu.  In the meantime, we were trying to get down the mountain and home from Denver in a major snowstorm.  Fifteen hours after we left Vail we were FINALLY on our way back home.  Anxious was an understatement.  I told Gregg something in my gut knew that Graham was very sick.  So after arriving home early Monday morning, in a delirious state, we decided that Graham seemed slightly better.  After speaking with the pediatricians office we decided that we would reevaluate at 2 pm.  Around 1pm Graham started to go down hill.  He woke up with a very high fever, 104 to be exact . We took him into the pediatrician and  I was not in the office for more than 20 minutes when our doctor told me he needed to go to the pediatric ER.  HOLY COW!!  I could barely contain my trembling and tears.  So what felt like an eternity, we arrived at the ER. Through my tears I keep trying to remind myself of the saying " You don't know how strong you are until STRONG is the only option you have!!"  I certainly needed to pull myself together for this little man!!!
Take in a pretty hysterical 7 month old baby to the ER, they found us a room quickly.  Anyone who has ever had to take a baby to the ER knows how awful the experience is and if you haven't hopefully you will never know.   After many hours of what I swear was the worst experience of my life with an inconsolable helpless baby, we were eventually discharged and walked out of there exhausted and overwhelmed but more importantly incredibly grateful and hugging our boys a little bit tighter.
I am so happy to say that despite the fear and helplessness we felt on Monday and Tuesday, Graham is doing much better today and has been fever free for 12 hours!!!

Daddy's working on cheering him up!!

How we spend the last 72 hours

We are looking forward to spending the weekend catching up on normalcy and also hopefully a little sleep!!!

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