Friday, February 1, 2013

Graham is 28 weeks old

well we are working on packing on the pounds on our "little man".  At Grahams six month check up last week he weighed 15 pounds 7 ounces.  The months prior he had been in the 25% for weight but this time dropped down to below the 10%.  He continues to be very long, now 27 and 3/4 inches.  Graham will go back in a few weeks for a weight check (see diet below).  Otherwise Graham has a pretty good case of congestion going on right now, but he doesn't seem too unhappy about it.

Because of his weight we have decided to start giving him a bottle of formula a day, usually mid day or early evening.  He loves it!!  We have also increased Graham to three meals a day of food.  He is still on fruits and veggies.  Despite the doctors suggestion not to, I have started to combine some of the fruits and veggies with oatmeal.  This is the only way I can get him to eat some of the vegetables, sweet potatoes and butternut squash primarily.  Although he loves broccoli and green beans!  

We seem to have a pretty good routine down for sleep.  He usually takes one long nap in the morning and than one or two shorter naps the rest of the day.  Graham goes to bed around 6:30 pm.  I will wake him for a late night feeding around 10 pm ish, then he sleeps until around 6 or 6:30am.  While its a little earlier than I like, I will take sleeping through the night and work on the wake up time!! 

Graham has found his hands and feet.  He loves to pull his feet up and try to get his toes in his mouth when he is on his back.  He is quite the acrobat!!  He wants to put everything in his mouth before he plays with it, guess he's checking to make sure it is acceptable:) Graham has also become quite social.  He loves to talk to everyone and anyone who will talk to him.  He definitely has a lot to tell the world!  We had a few unseasonably warm days this past week giving us the chance to spend some time outside.  He would spend all day outside if we let him.  Makes me wish warm weather was around the corner.

There really isn't much that makes Graham upset except for a few things. He hates to sit in a poopy diaper.  Graham is usually quite tolerable of the chaos that sometimes occurs in our house but when he is tired and say Reece is practicing his slam dunks, Graham is not too happy about it.  Also I'm pretty sure Graham hates the pickup line at Reece's school as much as I do.  I am convinced he knows that they second our car stops in the line, he cries until we move.  I hate to say it but we are going to have to start to bundle up and walk up to get Reece because 30 minutes of crying at the end of a long day is no fun for any of us!!

Graham is mastering the art of sitting up.  Although put some toys in front of him, he gets excited and he becomes webbles wobble!  

Graham you are such a happy and content little guy.  Your big blue eyes melt our heart.  One of my favorite times of day is first thing in the morning after we get you out of bed and turn your light on, you get the biggest smile on your face when we lock eyes, L.O.V.E!!
 Graham you have made our little family so much brighter!

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