Friday, July 12, 2013

It's Birthday Week!

With Graham's big day quickly approaching (and Reece's daily countdown), I cannot help but reflect back on how our lives changed a year ago.  While so many milestones in our family are special, I find myself more emotional and reflective on this year.  I think of the desire and struggle we had in wanting to add to our family.  As I often said right before I found out I was pregnant , I had come to peace with the idea that Reece might be our only child.  Then there are all the struggles while I was pregnant followed by a less than desired birth experience.  The first few months of Graham's life offered us their own struggles and challenges.  However, the moment we met our little man, I knew every obstacle and challenge we faced was worth it.  Graham, you are the answer to all our prayers and make our family complete.  

Over the years of trying unsuccessfully to have a baby I found myself promising if I ever had the opportunity again, I would treasure every moment.  So many people told me a second would be so different because we "now know what to do, what to expect".  While there is definitely some truth to that I have also found that life got much busier and I was forget all those little moments I promised myself I would treasure.  One of the great pieces of advice my Mom has given me is to write everything down because as time moves on, it will be those little things which fade.  So over the past several months I have been composing a "list" of some those moments in Graham's first year I don't ever want to forget:

Holding you on my chest with you legs curled up and bum in the air
Your furry ears and body when you were born
The dimples on your shoulders
Your so soft open mouth kisses
The way your toes curled up
The way you squint your eyes when you smile really big
When you are sleeping so peaceful in our arms after a late night feeding
Your belly laughs
How you "mmm" when you like a food
The way you try to lift your leg so it doesn't touch the grass (your not a grass fan)
Splashing in the tub and lake and squealing with excitement
Your wonder and excitement for discovering something new
When you cry so hard when we shut your door to say goodnight
The way you love to look out at the lake when you first wake up

So while I wish I could freeze this time, I know Graham is growing and changing everyday.  We love to watch the little man he is becoming.  Graham, this week we celebrate you!!

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