Wednesday, July 24, 2013

His Big Day

My heart is racing with excitement and nerves, 10 pm could not come soon enough 7 years ago. We spent that day shopping for the perfect "going home from the hospital" outfit for a boy, just in case.  We ate our favorite meal, tacos,  and had one last stop at the Creamy Freeze to kill a little time.  
I sit here tonight and can vividly remember every moment of the night of July 24.  It was the night we were going to the hospital to be induced to meet our first child. 

Tonight all those same emotion bubble up. Although tonight we are reminiscing by  showing Reece pictures of every detail.  It is so hard to believe that 7 years have past.
Reece, I will never forget the moment the doctors said "It's a Boy!" July 25, 2006 at 2:29 pm.  Daddy immediately said, "Reece". All that wonderment vanished and I instantly knew ever kick, turn, and jab I had felt for the last 9 months was coming from you, my SON! Time immediately stood still, you were so much more than we could have ever dreamed about!

We spent so many hours wondering and talking about you...what would you look like, what would your personality be like, what would you sound like.  
We have watched you learn how to smile, roll over, and walk, we have kicked the soccer ball, thrown a baseball back and forth so many time with you, we have bartered you when you have insisted on things being your way, we have experienced so many first with you, we have explained life's complexities to you, we have dropped you off at your first day of school, we have witness you shear determination to complete a task while finishing first, we have reassured you when your scared, we have pushed you to try one more time, we have answered your endless questions, we have tried our best to give you the most challenging math problems we are capable of that particular day, we have witnessed you take on the role of big brother and blow us away with your unconditional love, you are helpful and patient before we even need you to be, we are continuously amazed by your passion, enthusiasm, and zest for life, we have loved you through your disappointments or struggles (which are so few), we have witnessed your curiosity for nature and new challenges.  But mostly we never knew love until having you!
As Daddy has told you so many times, " We never knew we would be lucky enough to have a son like you!"  Your personally is magnetic, Reece.  The wonder and excitement you have for life is contagious. We could have never dreamed that 7 years ago we would have been this blessed to be called your parents.  

Tonight I sit hear with as much excitement and anticipation as I did those 7 years ago.  All the hours I spent dreaming about the moment I finally met you is no different tonight except now I am anticipating what you will do or say next.  It has been an amazing 7 years being your Mom and Dad!  We cannot wait to share and make more memories with you!
We Love You!!

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