Thursday, September 19, 2013

Celebrating 14 months of Graham

Little Man, Boom, Graham, you certainly have had a busy 14 months!  

We didn't post a 13 month update so we have some catching up to do...
You are officially done with the bottle!  Your doctor suggested stopping cold turkey and while I was nervous, we gave it a go and sure enough you have had no issues.  For the first three days we offered you only whole white organic milk in a cup (you had already been drinking whole organic milk in a bottle) and for the first few days you took some sips but after about a week you decided that you were ready to really drink from your sippy cup.  Then after about two weeks  you decided not only did you want exactly what your big brother was drinking, but it had to be in the same kind of cup!  This has become a trend  with everything.  So now you prefer organic chocolate milk in a big boy sippy cup.  You have also perfected drinking out of a straw!  
Because you are no longer taking a bottle you are eating non stop and EVERYTHING!  You don't discriminate but some of your favorites are broccoli, sweet potatoes, pasta, blueberries, greek yogurt, and grilled cheese.

Last week you cut your top four teeth in three days.  Needless to say it was a rough week but once we figured out what was happening you pulled through like a trooper with a little help from some Motrin and Tylenol!  You now officially have 6 teeth!
You are a crawling maniac and wicked fast.  You have learned how to climb and tonight even crawled down the stairs all by yourself.  You have taken several independent steps and even walked half way across the room unassisted.  But it seems that you want to get to your next 'target' quicker than walking can get you there, so you would much rather do your one leg gorilla crawl.  So while I wasn't pushing walking the doctor said you should be independently walking at 15 months so we are now offering you a lot of encouragement which isn't complete without you clapping for yourself every few steps you take!  (LOVE)
We finally got your hair cut.  I had such mixed feelings on it because I just couldn't part with your soft baby hair but I have to say you look incredibly handsome AND so much older! 

You have also started back to daycare which also means two days a week with Nana.  Nana also  just started you in Gymboree.  She said you were a bit apprehensive at first but quickly found your way and loved every minute of it.  So while I'm disappointed I can't see your expressions in person, I am hooked to my phone waiting on Nana's picture updates!

Things you like:
Push toys, chairs, anything you can move around a room
By far the highlight of your day is the minute we walk outside!  You cry if we walk you back indoors.  You LOVE LOVE LOVE the fresh air, rain, going for runs with Mommy and even this cooler weather.
Playing at the dishwasher... When all else fails, I open the dishwasher and you are entertained.
Mischief... whether it is the toliet paper roll, or discovering a pen which has fallen on the floor, you don't miss a beat or what we have missed 'baby proofing'.
You LOVE balls!  
AND MOSTLY you love your brother and Daddy.  No matter what else is going on the minute they walk in the room or you hear either of their voices you stop in your tracks.

Things you Dislike:
You hate not being a part of the mix
You let us know when you want/need to eat
Not getting what you want, especially from your brother
Having to stop whatever you are doing

We have really been working on using words because honestly you yelling at us is like nails on a chalk board. It seems that everyday you are learning a new word .  Your words so far...
JET and pointing, DADA, MOMMA, UCK (truck), NANA, ALL DONE, ANCE (dance), EE (Reece), DUCK, and you can sign 'more'!

Graham - you never cease to amaze us!  Your smile, laugh, and feistiness  stop us in our tracks.  We thank God everyday for the happiness you have brought into our family.  It is hard to believe that it has only been 14 months since you completed our family.  We love you to the moon and back!

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