Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Girlie

As the days get closer to our family growing it seems only natural to spend some time reflecting and ensuring we are as ready as possible to welcome Baby Matthews.  Our hospital bags are packaged ( well at least all piled together simply needing to be placed in a bag), the nursery is ready, presents for the Big Brother are purchased, meals are being prepared for our first few weeks at home, and until today I have hardly noticed my shadow.
Less than five months ago Pressley went to work everyday with Gregg.  She was a staple on the golf course and it really seemed that she would want it no other way.  Then I was hospitalized and everything changed.  Gregg couldn't get her to raise her head each morning to go to work.  By no means was she going to work, she was staying home with me!  From that point on she has hardly left my side.  She rides with me to drop Reece off to school, and now to camp, she trots along on our regular walks each week, she follows me into the bathroom, she welcomes me at the door when I have to rarely leave her.  
Today I realized that literally she now does not leave my side.  When I got off the boat and went out for a swim this evening, yep here comes Pres.  
We had always spoke about what an amazing dog we have but now to watch her I realize how truly remarkable she is.  
I have almost everything prepared for Baby Matthews but have spent little time thinking about her, she will no longer be my co captain in the car, as she will have to move to the third row.  Similar to when Reece was born I am sure she will be by my side at every cry, squirm , and middle of the night feeding.  Yet in typical Pressley form I am certain she will hardly skip a beat  showing us her smile just to be a part of our family.  How lucky we are to have her, our girlie!!!

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