Thursday, August 2, 2012

Graham is 2 weeks old!

It's hard to believe that for almost the past year we have been talking and looking forward to August because we would have a baby.  Well now it it here and I wish I could freeze so many moments, time is flying by way too quickly!

Weight- Well since our post last week Graham has been to the doctor three times.  Our pediatrician said they like to see babies back to their birth weight by one week old but considering how much Graham lost he is doing great with his weight.  He is back up to 6 pounds 12 ounces, so he is up 8 ounces in one week.

Health- Friday threw us a curve ball when we went in for another weight check.   We were sent over to the hospital to have more labs drawn because of his jaundice appeared to worsen.  Quite honestly I was shocked and immediately taken over by anxiety because I thought we were in the clear after he was discharged with his numbers going down.  Needless to say they were elevating again and Friday they were as high as they had been since he was born.  So after a few phone calls with the doctor we concluded Friday to simple head home and return for another blood draw on Sunday.  If the numbers elevated anymore Graham was going to be admitted and back under the lights.  Gosh honestly I was a basket case.  Rationally I know that these issues are no big deal in comparison to what they could be, however it is so difficult and emotional to think that our newborn has any health issues period and the hospital is the last place I want to return to.  Needless to say it was a long wait until Sunday but we received the best news possible, his numbers went down slightly.  So at this point his billirubin is holding steady but the pediatricians are just going to monitor him assuming that they have now peaked and hoping all will clear on its own by a month old!

Sleep - What is that?   Oh for Graham well he pretty much still sleeps most of the day.  We have begun to notice that he will wake for an hour or so each night sometime around 5 pm.  Otherwise the little man sleeps most of the day.  I wake him every 2.5 to 3 hours for feedings.  He did sleep one night this week for 5 hours, YAH!!! Also he sleeps great from his last feeding which is around 10:30 pm until about 2:30 am but he is then awake for an hour to an hour in a half.  While I hate to not be interacting with him if he is awake during the day, when he is awake at night I would be fine if he would just lay in his bassinet or Nap Nanny but nope he fusses until he is picked up!!  I spoke with my pediatrician about it and clearly he has his days and nights messed up, therefore waking him for his feedings during the day is suppose to help.  So we are crossing our fingers he begins to figure it out sooner than later!   There lies the other issue, he cries the minute we lay him in his bassinet at night.  Truly I have given him a few minutes to cry but I just can't manage to take that approach, so he has been sleeping in the Nap Nanny.  The end result is that the pediatrician told me he is still too young and too small to put on any kind of schedule.  So I am hanging tight in hopes I can manage through each day off of 5 or so hours broken up of sleep a night, YIKES!!  I forgot what true sleep deprivation feels like.

Clothes- Who knew what 8 ounces could do....Graham is now able to fit into newborn sizes quite comfortably.  He still generally sleeps naked or with just a onesie on because all of his gowns are huge on him, and this makes me nervous to lay him down for bed in something so big! Graham is wearing newborn size diapers.  Mittens have also become a stable in Graham's wardrobe.  The poor little man's nails are so long and I haven't been able to clip them yet because they are still attached to his skin.  We are also experimenting with the swaddle.  We have used it the past few nights and while Graham initially cries when I bundle him up, both the swaddle and mittens seems to be helping him sleep longer at night.

Diet - Nursing.  Graham is doing awesome nursing and while I had full intentions of having Gregg give him a few bottles a day, nursing at this point has just proved to be easier as I am so worried about decreasing my milk supply,.  This was always a struggle with Reece.  Hopefully with each week I will gain more confidence in giving him a bottle, especially since realistically I know the break would be great!

Likes- Graham seems to really love being outside.  The past few nights when he is awake we take him outside and went on our first walk.  While his vision is minimal he really appears to be looking around, taking in all the smells, sounds, and sights.   He also loves to be cuddled especially on someones chest.  Honestly this is exactly what I dreamt about as my pregnancy came to an end, holding him on my chest with his legs tucked, nuzzled right in my neck.  It is truly amazing!!  Overall Graham seems to be pretty laid back so far, well except for 3 am in the morning!!

Vistors- We had our first visitors other than family for lunch on Wednesday.  My best friend Brittany, who is Graham's Godmother, and her mom brought over lunch and the cutest gifts on Wednesday.  Graham decided to show off his wardrobe by having to have several changes of clothes but I lost count!  It was so nice to have them come by and look forward to introducing Graham to everyone!!

Our first official visitors - Mrs. Koester and Brittany

Milestones- Graham had his first bath.  He actually seemed to not mind it, I might even go as far as say he liked it!  We also went out on our first walk, while we timed Reece racing from starting lines to mailboxes and driveways.  It put Graham right to sleep.  I look forward to many more walks and runs together!  We also took Graham out on his first boat ride.  While I had a lot of anxiety thinking of taking him out the first time, all went smoothly.  I must admit it was really nice to get back on the water.

Our first boat ride as a family of 4!

Graham's first bath

Postpartum- I am feeling really good.  I have had some bouts of anxiety which I had with Reece but overall it has come and gone.  When Reece was a newborn the anxiety that I experienced was at times crippling.  This time I have been able to work through it much easier.  I am certainly emotional but this may also be from just being exhausted. 
I am also really struggling with clothes to wear.  I am not really comfortable with nursing in public but the reality is having a six year old I have had a few times so far where I had no choice but to feed Graham.  It has been very hard to find clothes which accommodate nursing and I certainly am not willing to get back into any of my maternity clothes.  I have found at this point that dresses with straps or maxi style work best.  It is something I am still trying to figure out.  

So I cannot believe this little man has been in our lives for two weeks.  I feel like I have known him for so much longer yet am struggling to figure him out all at the same time.  It seems this week Reece has really taking to being a Big Brother.  While I am completely and utterly exhausted Reece is helping, listening, keeping himself busy while I feed Graham!  He really has been amazing and seems to be as smitten with his brother as we are! 
I told my mom the other day I just can't believe how fast the time is flying by.  Graham's welcome home sign was picked up yesterday.  When we venture out so many people come up to ask all about Graham.  I love those moments and am really trying to take it all in but also know at the same time he gets older everyday.  While I look forward to the milestones I don't want him to change from exactly how he is right now.  Maybe it is more emotional for me because I know that our family is now complete and I want to relish and remember every moment.  Sure I am exhausted and at times very overwhelmed but I wouldn't trade it for the world.  I look at my two boys and can't wait to experience and show them the world!!

A very proud Big Brother

Graham and his Nana

( I apologize for all my typos on Graham's 1 week post, clearly I was lacking some common sense and sleep, but hopefully I have caught them this time)

While Graham's nursery isn't quite finished we wanted to share a few pictures

1 comment:

  1. You picked a great godmother! I can't believe how big he is already.
