Sunday, August 19, 2012

Graham is one month old, already!!

While it sounds cliche to say, I cannot believe it has been a month, it really is hard to believe that Graham has been in our lives for one month already.  It is difficult to remember what life was like before he was a part of our family.  Parenthood is at times the most frustrating experience but also offers the greatest rewards we have known.  I cannot lie it this past month has been filled with a lot of tears, anxiety, frustration, but more love than we knew possible before.  We are loving getting to now our little man and seeing Reece become such an amazing big brother!

The greatest big brother telling Graham one of his many stories

Weight - Graham has his one month check up tomorrow so we are not 100% sure but I would guess he weighs about 8 pounds.  He is looking more and more like his brother everyday which leads me to believe that at least up to Reece's birth weight which was 7 pounds 15 ounces.

Sleep - Well sleep at night has been a challenge, I will talk more about this with his diet.  Graham is starting to get on a schedule during the day and has even begun to nap in his crib. I am working on the Babywise schedule which is an eat, play, then sleep philosophy.  It is suppose to help a baby learn to put themselves to sleep on their own.  So far during the day Graham is doing great with it but at times I have to really work to keep him awake after a feeding.   We have yet to see any results during the night time however.  I think we are going to try tonight to have him sleep in his bed for the first time if we can get some relief from my diet change.  He makes so many noises and even lets out little cries all through the night.  At this point Gregg and I are so sleep deprived we grab him with every noise he makes.  I think not only will we sleep better but hopefully Graham will also, so we will keep everyone posted how it goes!!

Clothes - Graham is still in newborn sizes but he is now really filling them out.  I would guess within the next week or so we will have him in 0 to 3 months.  He is also still wearing newborn diapers but it won't be long before he graduates to size one.  I have to admit these are all little milestones which make me sad because I feel like the time is flying by and while I look forward and anticipate so many things we are going to do together I really do treasure these moments.

Diet - Graham is nursing but ugh I have so been pondering what I want to say about this.  I have always been a big believer of breastfeeding and had no major issues with Reece.  Well Graham is so much more of a struggle. He is so agitated, uncomfortable, and gassy.  He is showing signs of having some colic.   Needless to say we spend most of the night holding him because he is so fussy.  I am not sure why I am so emotional about it and I know people have strong beliefs on both side but I will be the first to say nursing is so hard.  I have tried eliminating fiber, then tomatoes, but it has only gotten worse.  It is such a helpless feeling and I am now almost afraid to eat anything.  So after a lot of opinions, internet research , and a talk with the pediatrician, I am eliminating dairy.  I found myself aimlessly walking around the grocery store yesterday trying to find ingredients for recipes I found online and looking for other foods I can eat which are dairy free.  I had no idea how many food contain dairy and gosh I love ice cream!  For anyone that knows me, they know that the two things which affect my mood the most are a lack of sleep, and food.  Needless to say I am overwhelmed, exhausted and just desperate to help my baby find some comfort.  Honestly I have had many moments of wanting to throw the towel in but the other side of my brain starts talking about all the benefits of breastfeeding plus just my desire to nurse.  Well here I sit tired, hormonal, and just needing something to come slightly easier.  Hopefully the dairy will be the answer and most importantly Graham will get some relief!!

Vistors - We have had several people come this past week to meet Graham for the first time.  Several neighbors on the lake Guido and Lucy, The Rogers and Mary and Jim, as well as our good friends Scott and Jessica Moore all came by this week.  They all had great stories to tell Graham about the amazing adventures he has in front of him living on the lake and in our neighborhood.   We really love having people stop by and introducing Graham to everyone.

Guido and Lucy

Becca Rogers and Mary

Likes - It seems Graham's favorite thing to now do is pee sans his diaper.  It usually goes without fail that as soon as we go to change him, he soaks himself quicker than we can get a new diaper on him.  Clearly he is wanting to model his entire wardrobe everyday because we change clothes at least 3 times a day before it is even noon!   Graham is also enjoying looking around and making eye connect.  We sing him a lot of songs, play peek a boo, and Reece loves to tell him constantly about every thing imaginable, all while Graham looks right at us/him.  We have also been venturing out more which includes more time on the boat.  Much like his big brother, the little man seems like a natural on the water!

Graham enjoying the boat...he has started to lose his hair so we are opting for hat days!!

Love this picture

Milestones - Graham slept in his crib for the first time, but only for naps at this point.  We also went on our first big adventure to the zoo.  Graham loved it so much, he slept the entire time while Aunite Leah carried him in the Baby Bjorn.  Also Gregg and I had our first, then second night out while Nana babysat.  It felt so nice to get out but we were both exhausted and ready for bed by 10 am.  How life changes in a month!!

So everybody asks me "Is Graham a good baby? " "How is Reece doing?", quite honestly this is all we know so I'm not sure how I am suppose to answer.  The challenge isn't Reece or isn't Graham, they are both great but together it becomes quite chaotic at times.  The television is now on cartoons or SportCenter until noon, Reece hasn't read a book nor have we read a book to Graham in two days, and neither kid has had a bath in four days.  Truly I just try to get both kids fed, dressed not always in clean clothes, and hopefully my teeth brushed each day.  Everything in between is a struggle, yet I am learning everyday to juggle a little better but hopefully and most importantly both kids will never question how much we love them !!

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