Thursday, August 30, 2012

6 weeks

And we have colic!!
Colic is defined as three hours of consecutive crying but experts are really unsure as to the cause of the excessive crying.  Most babies cry for 2 to 3 hours total in a day.  Of course I  had heard of colic and knew that my children wouldn't have it and gosh those poor parents who have babies with colic, but it certainly wasn't going to be me.  So Monday when the doctor walked into the room as Graham was screaming he tries to say over all the noise "so we have excessive crying?"  I tried to convince him that indeed things were better since going off the dairy but then he said that awful word, COLIC!  
Since becoming a parent I have promised myself I would not be one of those parents who says my child will never do that, or we would never allow that,  and I know in my gut my thoughts when I hear someone say their child is colicky.  I certainly wouldn't rush over to visit them or arrange a play date because I have a hard time hearing babies cry, who doesn't I guess.  Now it is my precious little man.  I now the looks, I understand the self talk but I am also convinced that my little guy is just tired, or hungry, or gosh maybe even overstimulated.  I am beyond terrified to take him to his first day of daycare next week because what if he cries his really mad cry when nothing will settle him down?  I am his mom and I get frustrated, how is someone who doesn't love him a quarter as much as us going to handle it?  
So I find myself again being told, it should improve WHEN...Graham is it for us, there will be no more children and quickly learning everyday that though the picture is being painted very different than I wanted or envisioned, I am able to find joy in the little moments and enjoy this time because before we know it he will getting reedy for 1'st grade.  Isn't that what is it all about anyhow!?!  If I only focus on the fact that he cries or screams for hours on end in the morning and the evening I will go crazy, and honestly I might be anyhow, but I am also learning to enjoy the moments when I pick him up and he settles down by my embrace, the way he looks right at me when I nurse him, or how he looks all around so content when we are out on a walk.  It is those moments that help get me through.  A colicky baby is hard as hell and some days are awful but we are learning to adjust each day.  While it can be exhausting I feel more protective and in love with him ( if that is possible) going through this.  

Diet - Nursing.  I am on a completely dairy free diet and just eliminated my morning cup of coffee. The gassiness and bloating which Graham had a few weeks back have definitely improved, so I am sticking with the diet changes for now.  Otherwise Graham is a great nurser and I honestly am really beginning to enjoy the time I have just him and I. 

Clothes - We have moved to zero to three month clothes and size one diapers.  

Milestones - We moved Graham to his bed.  He does great for his first stretch in his bed.  Then I have been bringing him back in our room after his first night feeding because he wakes more often and quite honestly it is just easy for me feeding wise.  Also we had Graham Baptized on August 26.  It was a perfect day and everything we hoped for.  Graham nows weighs 9 pounds 6 ounces as of Monday.  The doctors say his weight is great!  Plus he now has the cutest little rolls on his arms, we can't get enough of.

God Bless Graham !

Likes - Graham loves going on walks and just being outside.  He also really enjoys his nightly baths and massages.  He makes the funniest face and noises when we massage his hands, I need to try to capture it on video.  Graham is also spending more time awake and while he becomes overstimulated very quickly ( this is quite common in colicky babies ) he loves looking around and locking eyes on pictures and faces.  Needless to say Gregg and Reece love making funny faces and nosies for him which he tries mimicking back, so cute!

Taking in all the sights 

Post Partum - I am feeling really good and learning a little better everyday to manage life as a mother of two boys.  I went back to the gym this morning and really looking forward to going on my first run in the next few days.  I think the exercise and running will be great for me mentally.  I told my mom the other day I feel like it is the first time I am no longer in the clouds.  I am also really looking forward to starting back in classes next week.  While I know it is going to be hard to leave Graham and adjust to the schedule, I am a firm believer in having some time for myself, it definitely makes me a better Mommy and wife!!

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