Friday, October 5, 2012

Graham is 11 weeks!

So I have to be honest this has been a crazy week.  I am currently taking five classes plus a field placement in 3'rd grade all while trying to raise two boys.  I feel like my tires are spinning on overdrive and I am going nowhere.  I read a great quote today which really resonated with me about slowing down and enjoying the moment.  It said something to the effect that in 10 years you won't remember if the laundry was folded or the dishes clean, but you will remember the memories you are making with your kids.  So I am certainly going to try to make this my new motto.  I know I say this every week, but I really cannot believe that Graham is almost 3 months old!!  He has grown and changed so much.  I certainly need to slow down and enjoy him more.

Gosh we love the little rolls he is starting to get, I just eat him up!!

And wow has he changed.  The last week or so we began noticing things changing with Graham.  He started waking up again in the middle of the night and has become almost impossible to lie down for a nap or even to sleep at night unless I take him out on a run, or in the car (as long as the car doesn't stop moving).  We knew the little guy was exhausted and while occasionally he would fall asleep in his crib or on the Nap Nanny he would wake up hysterical after just a little bit.  In addition, he reverted back to showing symptoms similar to when he was diagnosed as having colic.  He was struggling nursing as well as taking a bottle and even had a few instances of choking ( HOLY HEART STOPPER).  And while I hate to even admit this I keep telling myself I would ask the doctor next time we were in at his 3 month appointment because I have just been too busy.  Well I woke up yesterday and said enough I have to call TODAY!  Not to mention he had another awful night.  So to make a long story short, Graham has acid reflux, and she thinks a pretty severe case.  This was something that was tossed around by my laceration consultant and the pediatrician when they diagnosed him with colic but then dismissed it because we saw such improvement for several weeks after I went off of dairy products.  Well now the doctors think it might not be colic at all but acid reflux.  I have to say while I love our pediatrician, I am really sick of going in there so often.  I want them to get it right and for Graham to get some permanent relief!!!  Because she thinks it is severe enough, they are starting him on Zantac.  While I know medicine isn't an exact science, I am hoping and praying this is it!!!  She said if within a few weeks we notice great improvement with Graham to start reintroducing dairy into my diet and see how things go.  While the initial idea of that excites me, as I sure have missed my ranch dressing, I am also so nervous because we have been on such a roller coaster of a ride trying to ensure Graham is healthy and comfortable.  I'll keep you posted.

On a happy note Graham is growing like a weed, he is now up to 12 pounds!  While at the pediatricians office today a lady walked in with a newborn and it made me feel a little sad because Graham looked so much bigger.  But I am happy to know that overall he is healthy growing boy.  

Team Matthews

Graham is becoming so much more alert and loves to look around.  He continues to love being outside and now stays awake for our morning runs, looking all around with wonder.  Despite his acid relax , which at times gives him discomfort, Graham is really easy going and a very content baby.  He loves to snuggle.  If he is fussing I walk over to him, snuggle him up and he immediately comes down.  LOVE!

Graham is also really trying to hold his head up.  We put him in the Bumbo for the first time this week and he seems to really enjoy it, as it offers him a whole new perspective on things being able to sit!  

Graham has the greatest Big Brother

Finally, Gregg and I are going away for the first time this weekend to celebrate our anniversary.  We are both really looking forward to it and hoping that I am able to get some much needed rest and clear my mind a bit.  Although now with Graham having had such a rough week I am nervous about leaving him, yet I  know leaving the boys with Nana and Papa they will be just fine.  We certainly we will checking in often.
We love this little man
Graham's kisses are priceless

As crazy as our life becomes I love coming home everyday to my family...I feel incredibly blessed and look forward to Graham experiencing it all!!

What a face!!

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